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Australian Football

Australian Football



School Sport Australia (SSA) presents the SSA Australian Football Championships on an annual basis. 

Please read the Team Vic Information Sheet on the sport page before registering. This document contains important information on the SSV Team Vic Program, in relation to eligibility, registration, multiclass, selection, participation costs, and financial assistance.

Registrations for 12 Years and Under Girls Australian Football will open later in 2025.

Registrations for 12 Years and Under Boys opened on Tuesday, 28 January 2025. 

The registration link is now available below: 

12 Years and Under Boys

Registrations close at 11:59pm, Friday, 28 February, 2025. 

Registrations for 15 Years and Under Girls opened on Wednesday, 5 February 2025. 

The registration link is now available below: 

15 Years and Under Girls

Registrations close at 11:59pm, Friday, 14 March, 2025. 

Registrations for 15 Years and Under Boys opened on Wednesday, 22 January 2025. 

The registration link is now available below: 

15 Years and Under Boys

Registrations close at 11:59pm, Friday, 28 February, 2025. 

There is no late registration period for Australian Football.

School Sport Victoria enters one representative team in each of the following School Sport Australia Australian Football Championships: 

  • 12 Years and Under Girls
  • 12 Years and Under Boys 
  • 15 Years and Under Girls
  • 15 Years and Under Boys
The trial information and selection guidelines can be found under the "Trial Information" section on the right of this page.

SSV also offers a pathway for student umpires to be selected to officiate at these Championships.

If you are interested in becoming a Team Official, visit our Positions Vacant page.

Stay connected to the latest news. Subscribe to the SSV monthly eNews



Team Vic Australian Football SSA 15 Years and under Girls and Boys National Championships Bay, QLD125{0145c586-a50d-40ea-841d-320f180680cf}Team Vic Australian Football SSA 15 Years and under Girls and Boys National Championships25/07/2025 10:00:00 PM2/08/2025 7:00:00 AM
Team Vic Australian Football SSA 12 Years and Under Girls and Boys National Championships, QLD124{0145c586-a50d-40ea-841d-320f180680cf}Team Vic Australian Football SSA 12 Years and Under Girls and Boys National Championships2/08/2025 10:00:00 PM10/08/2025 7:00:00 AM

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