School Sport Victoria has partnered with AusCycling to provide a fun and inclusive 'schools-based' cycling competition for mountain bike and road cycling. The focus is on 'having a go', riding your bike with friends and keeping active whilst representing your school.
The AusCycling Schools Mountain Bike Series runs from June until September each year, with rounds at different locations across Victoria. Cross country (XC) is the type of mountain bike racing on offer with both a novice and race category in the age groups, starting from under 9 through to under 19s. The course and trails allow for maximum fun with a bit of challenge!
The Victorian Interschool Cycling Series (VICS) runs from October to March, with up to eight rounds at metropolitan and regional locations across Victoria. Different rounds will feature a different type of road race such as criterium (bunch race on a closed circuit of approx. 1 to 2km), road race (bunch race of a set distance based on age category), individual time trial or team time trial (timed distance). There is both a graded racing for "Junior" - under 11 to under 15, and "Senior" - under 17 to under 23.
By participating in these schools-based series, riders accumulate points for their school and as an individual competitor. Series aggregate school and individual winners are announced at the final round of each series.
Riding and racing bikes is a great way to keep fit, have fun and make new friends! Students do not need to be part of a formal school cycling team or a club to participate in these great 'schools-based' events. Entries are welcomed from individuals and schools.
AusCycling is also proud to provide 'AusBike', a learn-to-ride bike education program available to all schools Australia-wide. It's a fun and interactive learning opportunity that teaches primary school aged children to develop their bike riding skills and confidence. For more on AusBike Schools, click here.
If you are interest in establishing a co-curricular Cycling program or club at your school, the team at AusCycling can assist! Please contact
For more information on racing opportunities across all disciplines - BMX, mountain biking, road, track and cyclo-cross, follow AusCycling on FaceBook (, Instagram (@auscyclingvictoria). There are plenty of club and state-based events catering for junior riders throughout Victoria! To find out more about becoming more involved in cycling including a club near you, visit the AusCycling website.
All events are listed prior to the date of the event in the Event Calendar located on the right hand side panel. Each event will contain the venue, convenor, rules, information, draws/schedule & results. Results can only be accessed post event by going to the Event Calendar Section & selecting the date of the event.