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Team Vic Results


All 2017, 2018, or 2019 Team Vic Results can be found on this page.






​AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL​​12 Years and Under​ - Boys

​​​12 Years and Under​ - Girls

​14 Years and Under - Boys 

14 Years and Under - Girls 

​BASEBALL​18 Years and Under

​12 Years and Under - Boys

​12 Years and Under - Girls

​18 Years and Under - Boys

​​18 Years and Under - Girls

CRICKET​12 Years and Under - Boys
12 Years and Under - Girls​


​10-18 Years Multi Class
​​DIVING10-19 Years
​​FOOTBALL (SOCCER)​​12 Years and Under - Boys
​12 Years and Under - Girls
​16​ Years and Under - Boys​
​18​ Years and Under - Girls​​
​GOLF​​​12 Years and Under - Boys
​​​12 Years and Under - Girls
​​​18 Years and Under - Boys
​​​18 Years and Under - Girls​
​HOCKEY​12 Years and Under - Boys
​12 Years and Under - Girls
​16​ Years and Under - Boys​
​16​ Years and Under - Girls​

NETBALL​12 Years and Under
​15 Years and Under - Girls​​
​RUGBY LEAGUE​12 Years and Under - Boys
​15 Years and Under - Boys
​18 Years and Under - Boys​
​​SOFTBALL​12 Years and Under - Boys
​12 Years and Under - Girls
​17 Years and Under - Boys

​​​SWIMMING10-19 Years

​TENNIS​12 Years and Under - Boys and Girls (Bruce Cup)

​18 Years and Under - Boys and Girls (Pizzey Cup)

​TOUCH FOOTBALL​​​​12 Years and Under - Boys
​12 Years and Under - Girls​ ​
​15 Years and Under - Boys
​15 Years and Under - Girls​
​TRACK AND FIELD​10-12 Years​

​​​VOLLEYBALL​15 Years and Under - Boys
​​​​15 Years and Under - Girls
​​​TRIATHLONJunior 13-14 years Boys and Girls Draft legal (Equivalent to ITU Youth B)

​​​​Intermediate 15-16 years Boys and Girls Draft legal (Equivalent to ITU Youth A)​​
​​​​​Senior 17-19 years Boys and Girls Draft legal (Equivalent to ITU Junior)​
