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​​​​Diving is offered at both Primary and Secondary levels in some Regions within the School Sport Victoria interschool program. Please note that a number of Divisions/Regions conduct their own Diving events, however the Division/Region events are not a pathway progression to the SSV Region & State Diving Championships that are open by direct entry (see below) to School Sport Victoria (SSV) Full and Associate member schools' students  (i.e. schools that compete in SSV interschool programs). 

All Events for Diving at the various levels including Division, Region, State and Team Vic can be found in the Event Calendar located on the right hand side panel of this page.  Alternatively to get a more refined search go directly to the relevant buttons (Region and State) at the top of homepage.

Please be aware that these Championships are for School Sport Victoria (SSV) Full and Associate member schools only (i.e. schools that compete in SSV interschool programs). NB. The Championships are not the trials for the Team Vic (interstate representative) team.

School Sport Victoria will conduct the Region and State competitions on one day.  Region events are scheduled in the morning and the State Championships in the afternoon.  To qualify for the State Championships students must dive in the Region events first.

For new and inexperienced Divers, you must attend a coaching clinic which will be held on the same day prior to the Region events.  The Clinics are conducted by Diving Victoria coaches.


Registrations close Tuesday, 26 March

To access information regarding Team Vic opportunities for this sport go directly to the 'Team Vic' button located in tool bar at top of homepage.  School Sport Victoria enters a State Diving representative team in the School Sport Australia 10-19 Years National Championship.

Rules: ​Diving - Primary & Secondary




State Diving Boys/Mixed Girls State Championships Sports & Aquatic Centre (MSAC)86{a7bbf073-ab7e-41f6-80f7-8a9f895842de}State Diving Boys/Mixed Girls State Championships29/04/2025 10:00:00 PM30/04/2025 5:00:00 AM

Announcements - View announcements  Announcements



Team Vic Diving, 10-19 Years Team Announcement 2024281{05cb3959-cadd-48ae-bc6b-2025bc761f45}Team Vic Diving, 10-19 Years Team Announcement 202428/05/2023 11:48:34 PM<div class="ExternalClassBF83DEDDA9984B439403F74CF8C306FD"><p></p><p>School Sport Victoria (SSV) is pleased to confirm the Team Vic Diving, 10-19 Years team to represent SSV at the School Sport Australia Championships to be held at <a href="">SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre</a><br>443 Morphett Road Oaklands Park from Saturday 10 August to Friday 16 August 2024. <br></p><p>All team members will be sent a bulletin with instructions on how to accept their place in the team plus other documentation in the very near future. The team officials wish to congratulate every student who nominated and competed for a place in the team and thank them for their efforts.</p><h2>Please note: <br></h2><p>The final team is dependent on School Principal’s endorsing each student’s participation, and each school being a member of SSV.<br></p><p><br></p><h1 style="background-color:#ffffff;"><span lang="EN-US"><a href="/team-vic/Pages/TeamVicTeams2024.aspx#diving" style="text-decoration-line:underline;transition:all 0.8s ease 0s;">See the full team list</a></span></h1><p><br></p></div>