Diving is contested at Primary and Secondary levels with separate competitions held for boys and girls in 9-10 Years, 11-12 Years, 13-14 Years, 15-16 Years and 17-20 Years.
Please be aware that these Championships are for School Sport Victoria (SSV) Full and Associate member schools only (i.e. schools that compete in SSV interschool programs). NB. The Championships are NOT the trials for the Team Vic (interstate representative) team. See the Team Vic Diving page for more information.
School Sport Victoria will conduct the Region and State competitions on one day. Region events are scheduled in the morning and the State Championships in the afternoon. To qualify for the State Championships students must dive in the Region events first.
For new and inexperienced Divers, you
must attend a coaching clinic which will be held prior to the Region events. The Clinics are conducted by Diving Victoria coaches.
All State events are listed prior to the date of the event in the Event Calendar located on the right hand side panel. Each event will contain the venue, convenor, rules, information, draws/schedule & results. Results can be accessed post event by using the State Results link or by going to the State Event Calendar Section & selecting the date of the event.
Divers are required to enter for Region Competitions by Tuesday 25th March. NB. Entries
will be taken by registration only.
Rules: Diving - Primary & Secondary
State Results