The SSV State Cross Country Championships are held as a combined Primary and Secondary event on the same day. If any athletes have never competed, or haven't competed in a few years, it can sometimes be hard to know what to expect.
The State Cross Country Championships is a combined Primary and Secondary Event.
Track Familiarisation Videos
There are Boys and Girls competitions in the following age groups for cross country:
Primary Age Groups:
9-10 Years; 11 Years; 12-13 Years.
9-10 Years Multi Class; 11 Years Multi Class; 12-13 Years Multi Class.
Secondary Age Groups:
12-13 Years; 14 Years; 15 Years; 16 Years; 17-20 Years.
12-14 Years Multi Class; 15-16 Years Multi Class; 17-20 Years Multi Class.
Race numbers are to be collected at the registration area on the day. Please allow sufficient time to line-up & collect your race number pre-race.
NB. All race numbers must be returned at the conclusion of each race.
Athletes need to listen for PA Announcements calling for them to make their way to the Call room (Marshalling Pavilion – Jockeys Room).
If an athlete is unsure as to whether their event has been announced they should make their way to the Call Room no later than 20 minutes prior to the advertised start time for their event.
A Starters Marshal will supervise athletes walking to the start line from the Call Room 10 minutes prior to the advertised start time.
The Starter begins each race from the start line. NB. There is only the one start line for the 2km, 3km & 5km races.
NB. The organisers reserve the right to alter the
course. The course is indicated with flags – red on the left & white on the right & check point marshals. Please see the course maps in the event in the Event Calendar.
All State events are listed prior to the date of the event in the Event Calendar located on the right hand side panel. Each event will contain the venue, convenor, rules, information, draws/schedule & results. Results can be accessed post event by using the
State Results link or by going to the State Event Calendar Section & selecting the date of the event.
Rules (incl. Race Time Schedule): Cross Country - Primary and Secondary
Start List: Cross Country Primary and Secondary Combined Start List (by Race)
Program: 2024 State Cross Country Program
State Results
State Champions