Team Vic Alumni - From Schoolyard to World Stage | 13303 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/Congratulations%20Alumni%20-%20Large%20Header%20(4).png?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-07-30T01:08:24Z | 36 Olympians & 11 Paralympians have been identified as Team Vic Alumni | | | 27/08/2024 5:39:47 AM | | 426 | | html | False | aspx | |
Team Vic Success at the School Sport Australia Games! | 50033 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/27.8.24.png?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-08-27T02:18:44Z | 311 students and 40 Team officials take on the inaugural School Sport Australia Games | | | 29/08/2024 6:14:08 AM | | 254 | | html | False | aspx | |
Be Fit. Be Well., 30th Anniversary | 4563 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/Be%20Fit%20Be%20Well.jpg?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-08-07T03:34:32Z | Book now | | | 7/08/2024 3:46:39 AM | | 164 | | html | False | aspx | |
Victorian Teachers' Games - Closing Soon! | 3439 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/VTGRego.png?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-07-09T01:42:15Z | Standard registrations close 18 Aug, late registrations close 21 Aug | | | 9/07/2024 1:45:01 AM | | 229 | | html | False | aspx | |
State Cross Country Championships | 4380 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/2024.13NewsCrossCountry.png?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-07-09T06:40:00Z | Track Familiarisation Videos to show you the 2000m, 3000m, and 5000m course | | | 30/07/2024 3:26:42 AM | | 1296 | | html | False | aspx | |
SSV and AFL Vic 9v9 Australia Football Launch | 79519 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/2024.07AFL9v9.jpg?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-06-12T12:50:01Z | Register now for one of the AFL 9 v 9 gala days in your region | | | 13/08/2024 5:57:19 AM | | 823 | | html | False | aspx | |
Rebel Supporting Victorian Schools and Students | 79509 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/24.06.12rebelGraphicArticle.png?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-06-12T02:58:17Z | rebel making a difference in schools | | | 12/06/2024 3:33:41 AM | | 343 | | html | False | aspx | |
Term Two School Sport | 61495 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/2024.23DMCMerch-v2.jpg?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-05-26T23:25:52Z | SSV merchandise popping up at events | | | 29/05/2024 5:37:14 AM | | 230 | | html | False | aspx | |
Five New Advisory Committee Members | 15661 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/2024.22AdvisoryCommittee-v2.jpg?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-05-22T04:12:47Z | Five new members added to the SSV Advisory Committee | | | 29/05/2024 5:37:55 AM | | 721 | | html | False | aspx | |
Happy Mother's Day | 13792 | <img alt="" src="/SiteCollectionImages/News%20Images/2024.05HappyMothersDay.jpg?RenditionID=6" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | 2024-05-10T01:51:44Z | We asked student's what they love about thier mum, this is what they had to say. | | | 10/05/2024 1:59:47 AM | | 153 | | html | False | aspx | |