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Victorian School Sport Network


Role of the network

The Victorian School Sport Network is a collaboration of key partners supporting physical activity and sport participation amongst children and young people, across school and community settings.

The network is coordinated by School Sport Victoria, as part of the Department of Education and Training.

The role of the Network is to:

  • Actively promote physical education and school sport in improving health, wellbeing, gender equality and diversity for students across Victoria
  • Identify priorities for collaboration to improve school sport in Victoria, including alignment of Government and organisational strategies, initiatives and investments
  • Build knowledge through sharing current research on school sport, health, physical education, gender equity and diversity issues
  • Identify current and emerging strategic issues relating to school sport and develop positions on issues where a consolidated response would be advantageous
  • Provide advice to the Department on improving school sport opportunities across all sectors of education.

Priorities for collaboration

The Victorian School Sport Network partners have identified five key areas for collaboration over the period 2020 to 2022:

  • Value: increase value of physical activity in schools, increase value of sport, increase value of physical education
  • Data: increase sharing and understanding of data
  • Connection: increase connection between school and community sport and active recreation
  • Physical literacy: increase in students' physical literacy
  • Equity: increase access to opportunities by under-represented groups.

For further details, see the key areas for collaboration 2020 to 2022 summary.

Network partners

The network includes representation from education, sport and government. Partners of the network are:

  • ACHPER Victoria - supports teacher capability in delivering the health and physical education (HPE) curriculum in all schools
  • Catholic Education Commission of Victoria – is the overarching, strategic planning and policy-making body for the Catholic school system in Victoria
  • Department of Education and Training – provides strategies, policies and funding to enable schools to deliver curriculum outcomes and achieve Education State targets
  • School Sport Victoria - delivers an extensive school sport program to primary and secondary students across Victoria
  • Independent Schools Victoria – supports independent education and advocates on behalf of Independent schools in Victoria
  • Sport and Recreation Victoria - supports Victoria's sport and recreation sector and inspiring Victorians to get active
  • Sport Australia – invests in national sporting organisations, including organisations for people with a disability, to champion the value of sport and encourage Australians of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities to get involved in sport
  • VicHealth – a pioneer in health promotion, the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation works with partners to discover, implement and share solutions to the health problems facing Victorians
  • Vicsport – is the peak body for sport and active recreation in Victoria and aims to get people in Victoria engaging in sport and physical activity.