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Libby Birch Life Lessons




Aimed at Years 9 and 10


Classroom Activities

You may like to choose one or all of these activities. 

  • Research the Internet on someone who has overcome an obstacle or on someone who has accomplished an incredible achievement despite the odds. Report this to the class (doesn’t have to be in sport)

  • Write a list of the things you would like to gave a go at in the near future or even today?



Aimed at Years 10, 11, 12


Classroom Activities

You may like to choose one or all of these activities. 


  • Make a list of sacrifices you are currently making or can make in the near future to get the best out of yourself

  • Design your own weekly timetable, making sure you allow time for things like, study, training, downtime, friends and family and ‘me time’

  • List the people that are or could be your support team, how do they play a role in your life? ​


Aimed at Years 5 through to Year 12

Classroom Activities

You may like to choose one or all of these activities. 

​Where are you going to aim your arrow at? Make a list of achievable short and long term goals in all areas of your life

It takes 10000 hours to master a skill. How many days, minutes and seconds is this?​

  • Roughly how many years do you think this would take you?

  • Report back to the class​


Note: We would love to receive video feedback from the classrooms whilst students are completing these activities​.

Send us an ​Em​ail​​ or submit a video or photo via our website.​