SSV release best practice guidelines for Child Safe Officers at SSV Interschool Sporting Activities
Following a successful trial in 2024, School Sport Victoria (SSV) is releasing best practice guidelines for the appointment of Child Safe Officers at SSV events and activities. This crucial guidance aims to further enhance the safety and well-being of children participating in SSV activities. From
2025 the best practice guidance provides for Child Safe Officers to be appointed at state and regional level events and then expanded across division and district level events from 2026.
Supervising teachers are to continue to maintain a duty of care for their school's students where Child Safe Officers are appointed.
These best practice guidelines reflect SSV's ongoing commitment to providing a safe and positive experience for all children involved in its activities. SSV has zero tolerance of child abuse and all allegations and safety concerns are treated seriously and consistently in line with SSV and Department of Education child safe policies and procedures.
Appointment Guidelines at State and Region level events from 2025:- Events with 500+ Students: A designated and visible Child Safe Officer is to be appointed (e.g., an adult wearing a Child Safe Officer vest). This guidance applies to all athletics, swimming, and cross-country events at district, division, regional, and state levels and team events with more than 500 students competing.
- Events with 500 or Fewer Students: A Child Safe Officer is required to be appointed and can be combined with another event role, such as the event convenor / organiser.
Key Responsibility guidelines of Child Safe Officers:- VIT and Working With Children Cards: Ensure processes are being followed for all adults involved in the delivery of SSV activities and support the processes where required. This includes that adults involved in the delivery of SSV events possess valid Victorian Institute of Teacher or Working With Children Check cards.
- Event Checklists: Confirm that event organisers have completed the required SSV pre- and post-event checklists.
- Address Child Safety Concerns: Be readily available to students, parents, and officials to address any child safety concerns that may arise during the event.
- Communicate Concerns: Promptly inform the event convenor/organiser of any matters pertaining to child safety.
- Concussion Protocols: Ensure event organisers are aware of the Department of Education concussion protocols (Note: The Child Safe Officer is not responsible for medical evaluations)
- Report Concerns: Report any child safety concerns to event convenors, SSV staff, coordinators or teachers at the event.
CEO of School Sport Victoria Jamie Parsons said "The introduction of these best practice guidelines, along with the introduction of SSV's Positive Behaviour Rule, will continue to strengthen the environments we create to enhance the health and well being of children in interschool school sport"
SSV is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for all student athletes. For more information see the updated 2025 SSV General Conditions of Competition that will be placed in the SSV downloads section of the SSV website in February 2025.