Multiclass Athlete within a Specialist School Sport Association

South East Special Schools Sports Association (SESSSA) & North East Special Schools Sports Association (NESSSA) SSV pathway for multi class students
Division Level for both Primary and Secondary students for both Swimming and Track & Field.
SESSSA & NESSSA member schools are advised to make contact with SSV Division Coordinators to confirm the details of Division Events, when entries are required and how the entry details for students should be submitted.
For Cross Country, SESSSA & NESSSA will provide entries from their own State Championships to the SSV State Programs Officer
*Only students from the above mentioned specialist sports association/s have a minimum requirement of entering at the Division Level regardless as to whether they are Primary or Secondary students. Whilst the minimum entry level for Primary students is Division Level, we encourage all Primary aged multi class students to begin their pathway at District Level if possible, this provides the student with another opportunity to participate and become familiar with event days.
To find which SSV Division your school has been allocated to CLICK HERE.
Link to South-East Specialist Schools Sporting Association