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Victorian Teachers' Games 2023

Victorian Teachers' Games 2023

The Victorian Teachers’ Games (VTG) will be returning for 2023 from Sunday 17 to Wednesday 20 September 2023 in the region of Latrobe City, and registrations are open.

The VTG is a major event on the education calendar, and our corporate staff can get in on the fun. The multi-day, multi-sport games provide an opportunity for education professionals to participate in and connect through a range of sporting, recreation, wellness and social events.

Last year, more than 1,800 registered participants competed in almost 50 different events, across 30 of Geelong’s sporting venues and facilities.

This year, the event spreads its wings to a new host region, and we’re expecting the standard of enjoyment and collegiality to soar once again! Participants are encouraged to take this unique opportunity to ‘Be energised’ as they prepare for the busy last term of 2023.

The department’s corporate staff are invited along to join school staff, including Victorian Institute of Teaching-registered teachers, education support staff, casual and retired teachers, registered volunteers and sponsors of the event.

Registrations are open, with further event information and schedules available on the VTG website.

Early bird discount ends 9 July, so get in quick! 

Find out more

For more information, visit the VTG Website.